Meet Sarah! She’s a fun-loving 24-year-old from Kenosha, Wisconsin who loves refrigerated red wine, her steak well-done, and telling random strangers on the street that she’s gonna be a PA someday. You can usually find her wherever I may be, chugging copious amounts of coffee, or sweating bullets at the gym.
Meet Jeff! He’s a 28 year-old retired wrestler from Montana who enjoys taking out the trash, hanging up pictures, and the aroma of nail polish remover. He can usually be found at the gym, channeling his inner Guy Fieri in the kitchen, or “studying at the library on campus.”
I’ve never lived alone and don’t really ever want to. It may be good to have more independence or whatever, but I’m honestly happiest when I’m around people. I have been fortunate enough to have some great roommates throughout the years and here are some of my favorite reasons why:
I never had a roommate! I kinda feel like I missed out on a lot in college but oh well. At least I never had to deal with crazy roommates! That's great you get along with your roommates!!
<3, Pamela
Your roommates' bios are too cute! I loved having roommates when I got along with them. Due to the situation I've been in recently, I am about to move out on my own, but I will definitely miss having friends around! This list is perfection – exactly why I'll miss having a roommate!
haha i love this! i have never had a roommate really, i lived with my mum and then moved overseas and stayed with a friend for a month or so and then moved in with my now hubby. but i have never liked the idea of living alone, boo! everyone i have lived with cooks for me, haha. i suck at cooking! but sounds like you have some fab roomates
This is adorable and I love the intro's to your roommates!! I've had some pretty awful roommates – one crazy crazy girl in college and one super disgusting girl when my roommate had to find a replacement because he was moving!! Thankfully my roommate now (my husband haha) is a gem!!
I totally agree with these! I lived on my own for the first time when I graduated from college and HATED it! I'm so much of a people person that it was sooo lonely. Thank goodness for my husband aka life long roommate now
This is so cute- and exactly how I feel about my current roommates! Last year I had some pretty awful roommates, but now I live with my best friends and it's wonderful! We stay up laughing and talking most nights of the week- don't know what I would do without them!
Kristen @ Sweet Cats!
love your blogs….especially this one….lol..well you know since you feature my daughter
Hi Kristina!
I hope you're doing well
These last few weeks have been crazy for me & unfortunately I've been slacking in blog world but I plan on picking it back up soon, I wish I had gotten in touch with you sooner,
Because… I was at Campbell University this week for the H-PREP Program! & I got to meet both of your roommates!! They are awesome! I thought of you the whole time, I wish I could've set up a time to meet you! (Unfortunately the wifi and my cell data were on the fritz my whole trip too) & the advisors also mentioned you had 3 tests this week, so I know you were busy.
~Good news, the trip was wonderful & Campbell is at the TOP of my list! Keep up the great work and enjoy being a part of such a fantastic program. I'm so happy/proud/excited for you and your roomies & I hope to one day fill your shoes
My CASPA is still in progress….