Hip hip hooray, today’s my 28th birthday!! It’s hard to believe that I’m officially in my late-20s. Is this real life?! I had to work this weekend (and 12 hours today.. bummer, I know) but celebrating will be in full force this weekend. One highlight from yesterday was getting an early birthday present- a new bike for cruising our neighborhood! Eeeek- I have wanted one of these for quite some time now. We didnt have anywhere to put it when we were in our condo uptown but now that we’re in South End, I have a feeling we’ll bike everywhere. In honor of turning a year older, I thought it would be fun to share 28 random facts about yours truly.
1. I was born in Moscow, Russia and moved to western North Carolina when I was 4.
2. I’ve never had braces.
3. I’m not really a pet person (gasp!) however if I were to ever get a dog, it would either be a teacup pomeranian or yorkie.
4. I’m pretty adventurous and love to try new things- travel, weird foods, skydiving… bring it on!
5. Despite my blog name and love for nail polish, I used to bite my nails really bad when I was younger and didn’t really paint them until college.
6. When Ryan & I first started dating, we did a scavenger hunt in uptown Charlotte and ended up winning a diamond ring (which we later sold).
7. I met Adam Levine backstage at a Maroon 5 concert a few years ago.
8. I hate feet.
9. I sleep like a rock in bed and can fall asleep in 30 seconds but for some reason can’t sleep on a plane.
10. I met my husband the good old fashioned way, in a bar!
11. There’s nothing I love more than dining al fresco with a glass of wine in the springtime.
12. I absolutely hate that “Bohemian Rhapsody” song and especially when people sing it karaoke. It’s so bad and I just don’t know why everyone loves it!
13. I don’t know how to whistle.
14. I want 2 kids max, but I’m in no way ready for them. Maybe in a few years!
15. I love riding roller coasters and hope to visit Cedar Point in Ohio one day.
16. I learned calligraphy before my wedding and now I can’t address an envelope without it!
17. I can’t sing at all but know the words to most rap songs.
18. Sushi is my absolute favorite food. I could eat it all day, every day. The more raw fish, the better!
19. I hope to travel to Greece and Tahiti sometime in the next few years.
20. I have 2 eggs and either a cup of juice or a smoothie every morning. No matter what.
21. I’m always in the mood to dance.
22. One item on my bucket list is to sit front row at a concert.
23. I have a Master’s degree and love to joke with Ryan that I’m more educated than him
24. I absolutely love taking baths, I find them so relaxing and don’t think they’re gross at all!
25. The only time I like to cook is when I have a HelloFresh meal in front of me.
26. I have the biggest sweet tooth.
27. I’m super competitive at escape rooms and board games. Heads Up and Catch Phrase are my jam!
28. I think every birthday should be a big deal and always celebrated, now matter how old you are.
I feel so fortunate to be where I am on this birthday- married to the love of my life, have a job doing what I love, surrounded by great friends and family, and building a life here in Charlotte. Thanks to everyone that continues to stop by this little place every day- without you, Medicine & Manicures wouldn’t be what it is today. Cheers to 28!!
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful time celebrating!
So I have been researching for weeks on how I could learn calligraphy so I address my own wedding invites and do some of the design work for my upcoming wedding! Super excited when I saw that you learned it for your wedding too! Did you take a class? Use online resources? How did you get up to speed so you could address your envelopes?
Happy birthday to you! May it be the best year, yet! Loved learning more about you and really love your new bike! It’s so cute!
Happy, Happy Birthday! Love this post – super excited for my beautiful calligraphy by Kristina and super jealous that you never had braces. I had 4 years of orthodontics and now I’m in invisalign fail. Hope this day is perfect!
Southern Style
Happy happy birthday sweet girl!! Hope you have an amazing day & are spoiled by that man of yours!!
Cheers to a great year!!
A Townie bike?? Girl. You got the best one out there for cruising around South End! That’s what I have down on Kiawah and I looooove mine. Happy 28th Birthday to you!
Happy birthday sweet girl!! I hope you’re living it up! Welcome to the 28th year club!
How 2 Wear It [] http://how2wearit.com
Happy Birthday pretty lady! I feel the same way about feet..gross!
Happy Happy Birthday, lady! Hope you have the best day! I feel the same way about feet and absolutely love sushi!
I loved learning a little more about you! Happy birthday beauty!!
Happy Birthday!!! I love your off the shoulder top as well!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! (a day late) I have a similar post scheduled for my birthday next week eek! Great minds think alike
Also, #10 gives me hope! I hate the dating scene here in Charlotte right now!
xx, Emma
Happy Birthday Sweet One. This is a great post. I love where you are too. Happy looks so good on you.
lindsay | sell eat love
Hope you had a wonderful birthday and a wonderful time celebrating!
Happy belated birthday!! I’m so impressed you taught yourself calligraphy! Can you share more?? One of my goals is to learn how to address envelopes in a beautiful way… you know, in all my spare time, LOL. Greece is on my short term travel list, too. I was the same way with my nails, though admittedly these days, I’ve started biting them again. I probably just need to go get a manicure on a regular basis to stop again. Maybe? Anddddd I’m obsessed with that bike!
I love this!! I hope you had a great birthday!!
If you ever decide to get a dog, be very careful about people who advertise “teacups”…some of thosr have been inbred badly and have health issues!