12 months. 3 semesters. 73 exams. PA school was everything that I thought it would be and more. Actually it was better than I thought it would be. I learned a ton of material, practiced clinical skills on real patients, and still managed to have a life. First semester was like “drinking water from a firehose” (we sure heard that phrase a lot). Second semester we got the hang of the tests. By third semester we could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Here I am talking like I’m finished with school or something! Our didactic (bookwork) year is finished and on August 18th we will go our separate ways to different clinical sites in North Carolina. I won’t be sitting in class anymore or seeing the same faces every day, which I guess could be both good and bad. I will honestly miss it though and I thought about some of my favorite moments from my first year.
1. Meeting my roommates
Let me just tell you, I was a little very nervous to live with two complete strangers. I obviously hadn’t done that since freshman year of college but I honestly love my roommates so much. Last year we moved into the Kivett house/Three’s Company house by campus and 3 weeks ago we made the move to Garner. Yes, we get on each others nerves and we all have our little quirks but I don’t think PA school would be as fun without my roomies Sarah & Jeff.
2. White Coat Ceremony
Holy crap, I’m actually a PA student!! That’s exactly what I was thinking when I received my white coat at the end of the first week of classes. So much time and hard work had gone into my application and to know that all the hard work had paid off was such an amazing feeling. Ryan was there to cheer me on and he has supported me so much throughout this program.. I couldn’t ask for a better guy! It was exciting to be surrounded by 43 other people who would all be going through this with me, and doesn’t that white coat make us look official?
3. NC State Fair
Even though we studied like crazy, we knew how to have a good time. My classmates planned lots of fun events throughout the year and going to the state fair was one of my favorites. I even had my first fried snickers! I guess it made the list because fall is my favorite and I had never been before. Anytime my classmates go somewhere, we roll deep and I’m glad that we got to experience this NC tradition together complete with fried food & the Ferris wheel!
4. Save the Last PANCE & Spring Fling Mixer
We had our fair share of social events. Save the last PANCE was a Christmas party that we threw for the graduating class and we’re hoping it will become a tradition. The spring fling mixer was my baby. Our class wanted to plan something for all of the graduate health programs and let’s be honest, this girl loves any opportunity to get dressed up! Somehow I took on the role of social chair with my friend Kaley and we made this thing happen. It was held at Gregory Vineyards (wine=classy right?) and was a great time to mingle and dance of course.
5. AAPA Challenge Bowl in Boston
Thousands of PAs and PA students running into one room with “Turn Down for What” blasting. That is how this year’s challenge bowl started out and I was so happy to be a part of it. Just being in Boston was pretty amazing but this was the big party/nerd fest that we had all been looking forward to for a while. Even though we didn’t make it on stage (sad face) we still had a blast and Campbell had one of the largest groups in attendance!
Okay, so I had to add an honorable mention. This wasn’t really an event but I was so very proud of mine & Sarah’s EKG cookie creations! We decided to make them for the class during our cardiology unit. If you know me, you know I’m not really a baker, but we had so much fun making them. They were super delicious & adorable and were a big hit with the class & faculty!
Here are some shots from our last day of class celebration & pig pickin!
I’m super excited/nervous to start my clinical year and hopefully I’ll have lots of fun stories for y’all once I start seeing patients on the reg. Vacation is feeling oh so good right now and I’m excited to celebrate restaurant week tonight- we will be having juicy steaks at Fleming’s! Have a great weekend y’all 
Congrats, on the white coat. That is so very exciting. Good luck with your clinical year :)!
How exciting and what a fun journey
How cute are those cake pops!?
Congrats on PA school! It looks like you've had an awesome time with great people! I'm an RN so I appreciate those cookies, too cute! Have a great weekend! Life as I know it
It looks like you had a blast and I am sure if this year was this much fun, next year will be better! Congrats Doll! So proud and happy for you!
Awww these are all great moments! The fair looks like so much fun! And those cake pops… yum!
<3, Pamela
So many fun memories!! So happy that you're onto the next part of this journey!! Have a great weekend!
Congratulations! These are memories you'll remember forever! I cracked up over the EKG cookies! So clever!
LOOOVE the EKG cookies! Might have to steal this idea from you
Congrats on finishing and starting to wrap everything up! I know when I went through law school, it was miserable and tough, but the friends I met made everything worthwhile:)
Tif @ Bright on a Budget
I love all these pictures! Those decorated cookies are so cute and I love the white coat ceremony… so exciting!