SURPRISE… Porter is going to be a big brother! We are so excited to announce that we’re expecting Baby Sapel #2 this September! I’m glad the cat’s out of the bag because I hate keeping secrets and it makes the pregnancy feel so much more real. Becoming parents to Porter has been our greatest gift and now we get to add another babe into the mix and for that we feel very fortunate. Today I’m answering a few questions I got on Instagram and sharing
a few too many of my favorite photos from our announcement shoot!
When are you due?
Baby is due September 17th and I’m currently 13 weeks!
Was this planned/were you trying to get pregnant? Did you both want babies a certain number of years apart?
Yes, it was planned. Honestly I think I was ready for another one the day I had Porter, I knew I wanted him to have a sibling. Ryan & I both wanted two kids so we figured it was best to have them pretty close, while we’re still somewhat in the “baby” stage. We wanted them to be anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 years apart. Porter and baby #2 will be 19 month apart!
How are you feeling?
I’ve been feeling pretty great overall, just like my last pregnancy. I’m not sure how I lucked out on this but no nausea or morning sickness and I feel like I’ve still had pretty good energy. I just get tired super quickly at night and often fall asleep on the couch (and get really cranky when Ryan wakes me up).
Are you ready for two under two?
Is anyone ever ready?? Lol. I hear the first few months can definitely be challenging but I know it will be worth it in the end. The two being in diapers thing doesn’t really bother me and I feel like we just went through the infant stage so it’s still somewhat “fresh.” I hope they will be best buds and love playing together (although I’m sure there will be some fighting too)!
Are you finding out the gender/what are you having?
If you know me, then you know I’m a planner and there is NO WAY I could wait until birth to know the gender. More power to the people that do, I know it would be an amazing surprise but I have to mentally prepare myself, decorate the nursery and it also just feels more real when you call the baby he/she or by it’s future name.
That being said we JUST found out what we were having over the weekend. I had genetic testing done again and the results came back pretty quickly- I’ll be sharing on Instagram later tonight!
How did you tell your hubby?
I actually waited about a week after I found out to tell Ryan (crazy, I know). I’m not the type to just say “oh, by the way I’m pregnant!” and am typically very extra when it comes to big announcements/life events, haha. Once I found this big brother shirt for Porter, I put it on him before a nap and had Ryan wake him up after the nap. Once he unzipped his sleep sack, he saw what was up!
Are you getting the COVID vaccine while pregnant?
Yes, I actually got the first dose while we were trying to conceive and the second dose in very early pregnancy. Sure I had some initial doubts since the vaccine was new, but then I remembered that none of our other vaccines are directly correlated with any type of birth defects and I know that the risk of getting COVID while pregnant is worse than a few possible side effects from the vaccine. Plus, I work in healthcare so the benefits of the vaccine definitely outweigh the risks. I also spoke with my OBGYN and she recommended it for anyone TTC, pregnant or breastfeeding so I decided to get it and am happy with my decision!

Photos by Deeana Kourtney Photography
Omg this is so exciting!! Congratulations!!
Ahhh! Congratulations!! This is so exciting and the pictures are absolutely adorable. Can’t wait to see your IG for the gender!
Congratulations! You are a total superwoman in my eyes because I can’t imagine having children at all, let alone having two under two! I so admire anyone who has that in their hearts. Porter is going to be such a great big brother and I know you’re going to love being a family of four!
Congrats on adding to the family…how exciting! Wishing you all the best on this next chapter! xoxo, Sarah
OMG CONGRATS!!! You are glowing! Love these photos – you all look so happy
congratulations on your growing family!
OMG how exciting is this for the two of you! Huge congratulations, that is such an exciting moment! These pictures of your family are so beautiful.
Denise| Denise Marie
CONGRATS lady! What an exciting time for you all.
Congratulations to you and your growing family! A new baby is always exciting, we just welcomed my niece a few weeks ago <3