Now that I’m well into my 2nd trimester, I thought I would share a quick pregnancy update!
I never a did a dedicated post on our gender reveal but… Baby Sapel is a GIRL!! I’m sure you already know if you follow along on Instagram but I couldn’t be more excited. I’ve dreamt of having one of each and I just know Porter is going to be such a good big brother to his little sister. I’m definitely a girly girl so I can’t wait for all the bows, Lilly dresses and matching outfits!

Baby Girl Sapel is currently about 11.3 inches long and weighs just over 1 pound (and the size of a grapefruit according to my pregnancy app)! I started to feel a few flutters around 18 weeks but nothing strong since I have an anterior placenta this time around. Now I’m 23 weeks and feeling her move a few times a day and it’s my favorite!! I just had a checkup last week and everything went great, I go back in a few weeks for my glucose test.
I feel like I definitely needed some maternity clothes a little sooner this time around. The plus side of being pregnant in the summer is that I can wear dresses most of the time, but I still had to stock up on a few bottoms. I’m sharing some recent finds below- loving this dress from Pink Blush Maternity (one of my favorite places for the bump).
I grabbed a few pairs of shorts to get me through summer- loving these white raw hem shorts from Gap and these cuffed denim shorts from Motherhood.

Let me just say that I feel SO very fortunate to be feeling great this pregnancy. It’s crazy how it can affect each woman’s body so differently but I am still feeling like myself, just a little more round lol. Still eating everything I typically would, I never get aversions but do take a liking to french fries when preggo. Oh and lately it’s been the Cheetos white cheddar puffs- I snack on them pretty much daily. I’ve also still been loving our Peloton (a must when you have a baby and can’t sneak away to the gym) and have been trying to work out 2-3x/week.
Everything looked fine on our anatomy ultrasound- so very thankful! The tech initially didn’t a certain picture of the heart so I had to go back 2 days later just for that but everything checked out. Grammie also got baby girl her first outfit, bows and set of burp cloths. Bring on all the pink!
We haven’t started baby girl’s nursery at all… gasp! I actually found a crib and dresser I loved a few weeks ago but of course it is backordered (like all furniture these days) so hopefully it will be available in time. I know the overall look I’m going for, just need to order the actual things. This is our nursery “before” photo- currently our guest bedroom. All the furniture is from our old townhome and I got the cheapest ceiling light possible because I knew we would be changing it all out very soon!
And here is an inspiration photo for baby girl’s nursery design… can’t wait to get started!
We are thrilled to have baby girl joining us later this summer, but also trying to soak in ALL the moments while Porter is still our only child. He is my best buddy and it feels so strange to imagine sharing our time with another baby, but I know it will be so worth it and can’t wait to see them play and grow up together. I’ll be sharing another bump-date as we get closer to our due date in September!
Congratulations! The gender reveal looks fun, and these pictures are beautiful!