The start of my clinical year is only 4 months away (eek!) but luckily I don’t have to wait until then to see real patients. We started our “clinical assessment” course this week- which is where we travel to different clinical sites in the area and hang with the PAs & doctors. Basically we could end up shadowing, seeing patients with our classmate, or seeing patients on our OWN (with the provider following up of course).
It was a little intimidating at times, but I would say it was a successful first day seeing real patients with real complaints. We have a women’s health OSCE today and I definitely feel more comfortable when it comes to interacting with patients, especially after being out in the community. Stay tuned for more fun stories from the next few clinical sites: surgery, inpatient internal medicine at the hospital, and urgent care!
I wish I could have been a fly on the wall for this one
Oh dear- I would have been a giggling mess!!
Haha I can't wait to hear all your fun stories from your next clinicals!
<3, Pamela
Oh Kristina….. you poor little dear with the ED patient!! AHH! I don't know what I would have done or how I could have kept a straight face – congrats on your awesome experience!
Ahhh I cannot wait for clinicals! We start in December. And we have OSCE too!! We have our women's health next week