Yesterday’s hands-on patient time was spent at Central Harnett Hospital here in Lillington. It only has 50 beds (teeny, I know) but it’s brand spankin new and I will have my internal medicine rotation here, so I was pretty eager to check out the place! Jeff & I did full histories & physicals on 2 patients and they were both super sweet!
I found this funny comic about medical specialties- the derm one is hilarious and may be my calling- what can I say, I’m a girly girl!
Have a great Thursday, loves!
Haha that is awesome! Love the Dermatology one!
Urgent care seems like it might be pretty interesting!
<3, Pamela
DOCCS provides the only 24 Hour Urgent Care Facility in Brevard County open 365 days a year including all holidays! Our close personal attention is essential in providing safe and secure care for you at all times.
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The personal statement will most likely be the most important piece you will write for your graduate degree application. Personal statement essays aid the admission committee in assessing an applicant's eligibility to graduate school.internal medicine personal statement