I have officially moved back to Charlotte for good!! Cue the happy dance! Over the weekend I had to pack up my car with as much stuff as it could hold, and make the drive back to Charlotte… but for good this time!! Apart from a board review week and graduation week, I’m officially a full-time Charlotte resident again and it feels SO good. As y’all know, I’ve been dying to be back in one place but I will still miss my roommates- especially Sarah and our Grey’s Anatomy binges. Our goal is to get caught up with all the seasons by graduation.
Along with packing and moving comes the dreaded… unpacking. It will be the death of me. Our place is still a mess (yes, even after a week… don’t judge me) so my mission for this weekend is to declutter and organize. We’re already working with limited space and let’s be honest… I come with a lot of baggage! Literally.
I’ve started my 11th rotation in PA school, how crazy is that?!? I just finished my first week in dermatology and as you could probably guess… I LOVE it! I mean, I knew I would, but now I’m 100% sure I’d love a career in derm. I have THE best preceptor (who’s actually the PA that I see) and the offices are so nice. I love seeing all the different skin conditions and am already getting an eye for spotting bad moles and growths. Don’t forget to wear your SPF!!
Ryan & I are finally getting our engagement photos taken next Monday!! I feel like we’ve been engaged for quite a while now so it’s officially time to get some cute professional pictures and start picking out save-the-dates. You’d think I’d have something to wear by now… but I don’t. It’s stressing me out and I don’t know why. Oh and to add to that stress, the location where we were supposed to shoot called me and said they have a wedding that day so that’s out… and it’s supposed to rain. The thought of coordinating my photographer, hair, makeup, AND weather gives me a major headache. But still… I’m super excited and can’t wait to see how they turn out!

Yay, congrats on the move, so exciting, lady! Good luck unpacking, I hate packing and unpacking so I feel your pain, haha. 11th rotation, wow, that is amazing! Cheers to engagement pictures, I know y'all are going to look fabulous! Have a great Friday!
Hooray for being back in Charlotte! Good luck with your engagement photos, I'm sure they'll turn out great. Happy Friday!
So excited for you and all the fun awaiting you! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Hope you get all unpacked! It is the WORST but you will feel so much better once it is done!!
Missed you this week! Can't wait to hear your exciting news! Have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!!
Yayyyy for being back in Charlotte for good and being soooo close to graduation! Enjoy your last few rotations, and I can't wait to see your engagement pics <3
Green Fashionista
Yay for officially being back in Charlotte! Just unpack a little at a time, you'll get it done! Hope you get everything straightened out with your engagement photos…can't wait to see them!
Congrats on being back in Charlotte! The unpacking part of moving STINKS completely!!! It'll be done eventually tho!
I hope you have beautiful weather for your engagement pictures–can't wait to see them!
Have a great weekend!
Girl, the photos will be perfect! Ours were almost a disaster. We drove to Savannah and got stuck in such terrible traffic that I finally called my photographer in tears and she let us reschedule for the next day. So my fresh blowout was a waste. We sat in the car for 8 hours and arrived grumpy and a mess! But guess what? The photos turned out beautiful and we love them.
If you are happy and in love and you have a good photographer, the photos will be perfect, regardless of clothing/weather/location
So many amazing things!!! So great that you loved derm, I could NEVER do derm! I'm starting to slightly freak out about the PANCE, ugh. Can't wait to see yalls pictures, I know they will be gorg!
Congrats on being back in the Queen City
Your engagement shoot will be amazing I am sure! Have a great weekend (and cheers to coming with baggage, literally!).
Wow 77 days from graduation?! That's awesome! Congrats girl! And cannot wait to see your engagement pics! They're going to be amazing! Happy Friday!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
Hate the unpacking part, right?!? And congrats on being so close to graduation! So many great things to come! Happy weekend! XO
Congrats on the move. So many wonderful things going on in your life, how very exciting. Unpacking is the worst but I'm sure you will get it all done as quickly as you can.
Yay for being back in Charlotte for good!!! So exciting! I can't remember, did you and Ryan move in together? And fingers crossed everything works out with the engagement pics this weekend! Happy Friday!
SO many exciting things happening with your career. Engagement pictures are my favorite!! And i'm so happy that you're excited to be moving back to Charlotte. Fun!
Hi hi hi hi HI!!!! I'm over here doing the ultimate happy dance that you're back for good! Sushi dates FOR SURE! I laughed out loud at the "go around it" meme. I swear I said that for 2 months after moving here. YAY for being back! <3
excited for engagement pictures! I'm sure you will look fab in whatever you wear.
I laughed out loud at the "go around it" meme!! #storyofmylife
Hooray, I know you are SO excited to be back in Charlotte! Your engagement pictures are going to turn out beautifully, I am confident in that so don't stress! Xo, Stephanie
Ah! You have such fun things happening, friend! The "just go around it" meme is about to be my life as soon as the movers get here and pack us up before our next move, haha!
Dermatology sounds like it would be really interesting! Good luck with the job searching although it sounds like you have a little while! Those 77 days will FLY by I am sure!
xo, Shelby