I don’t know about yall, but I’m so glad that it’s finally Friday!! I feel like I don’t do anything exciting during the week anymore because I’m either working, studying, or being too tired to do anything else. However, weekends mean I get to do fun things and I’m so ready to see Ryan and my besties! Here are five things that are currently on my mind:
One // What’s on my mind the most lately? I’m so over the cold, that’s all there is to it. Sure, it’s fine around the holidays but once Christmas is over, I’m ready for spring time. I’m also over the darkness. Going to work in the dark and getting home after dark gets old.. on top of the fact that it has been foggy and rainy all week. I need some sunshine in my life, people!!
Two // My engagement ring is a little big at the moment and I was going to get it sized, but think it may be best to wait until summer since fingers tend to shrink in the winter time. I’ve heard of the ring “snuggies” but they just didn’t look too comfortable, and then I came across the Ring Noodle on Amazon. If you have any rings that are too big or just waiting to get one sized like me, I highly recommend these! They have a curve to them (unlike the basic snuggie) and I don’t even feel like it’s there!
What it looks like on my hand… not too bad!
Three // I’m having Bachelor withdrawals. For now, there is just no way I can commit 2-3 hours per week to this cheesy but super addicting show (plus, I’m not that crazy about “Prince Farming”). I do miss it though! All you Bachelor fans be honest- should I catch up on the past two shows when I get a chance or is this season mediocre?
Four // I’m so excited for not one, but two date nights this weekend with my handsome fiancé! We’re going to see American Sniper tonight (at 10pm, let’s pray I don’t fall asleep). It looks like an amazing movie and I’ll be back with a full report on Monday. We’re also meeting my old roommate and her new fiancé for restaurant week on Saturday to catch up and enjoy some good eats.
Five // I’m taking my very first train ride today on the good ‘ol Amtrack! My weeks have been super busy and like I said before, I don’t get too much accomplished at night because I’m just beat. With me going to Charlotte these back-to-back weekends, I thought it would be a good idea to use that travel time to do something productive, so hopefully I’ll feel all caught up on life when I get back on Sunday!
I hope everyone has a great weekend- I have another busy one on the books and am most excited for my friend Katie’s bridal shower!! May will be here before we know it and I’m so excited for all the upcoming wedding festivities!

Thanks for sharing the noodle ring – my engagement ring is actually big on me, but it's wedges between my two wedding bands so I don't feel it – but this would help!! Can't wait to hear what you think of American Sniper!! Happy Friday girl!! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
I couldn't agree with you more about The Bachelor… it's super cheesy yet super addicting. I say since you haven't gotten sucked in yet, just don't worry about this season. Chris Harrison may say it's the most dramatic season ever (AGAIN), but so far it's been the same ol' same ol'
Happy Friday gurlie!!!
Im going to see American Sniper this weekend too, it looks pretty good! I am also so over this cold weather, didn't I move to NC for a reason? Hope you have a great weekend love!
So, I am a person that was living under a rock apparently and I had never watched the Bachelor before this season..I am going to advise that you do watch it because the girls are crazy..there are two in particular that I just think MAKE the show what it is this season haha. Have a good weekend
Umm already looked up the ring noodle and definitely ordering one of those. I have a few fashion rings that are too big and that would be perfect! I want to see American Sniper so bad! Let me know how it is! Happy Friday girl!
Woohoo for American Sniper – we're going to see it tonight, too! And that ring noodle is genius. I need one. My ring is always a tiny bit too big in the winter and it drives me crazy how it twists around so thank you for sharing!! Happy Friday!
I so want to see American Sniper.Have a great weekend.
My engagement ring is big as well. I had two sizers soldered into the base. It's easy to remove them if my fingers were to get to big. I personally don't want to get my ring resized until after we are done having children because your ring size can change. The sizers work well for me until that time comes.
noodle ring is so nice
I seriously loved traveling to Charlotte on the train!! I hate driving in general so it was really nice to just relax and read a book while we cruised! That ring noodle is seriously cool. It doesn't look big or bulky at all and it doesn't make the ring look cheapened! Definitely a good call to wait to get the ring resized. Since my wedding bands are an insert, they help everything stay in place (harder to fling off my finger) but they're all definitely feeling a bit bigger these days. I'm tempted to get them resized, but like you I'll wait until summer. And Charlotte restaurant week just made my heart ache. I MISS IT!!! Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday sweet friend!!! <3
I'm ready for American Sniper to come out on DVD ha. I hope you enjoy it! I just finished the book & will not be going to see it in theaters.
that ring noodle is so cool!!! i have enjoyed this season of the bachelor so far….the girls are all very special and entertaining
Aww I love Friday too! Xx Check out my new blog post! I'm in need of some followers, thank you! X http://xbeyoutifulx.blogspot.co.uk
Fun fact. The guy in American Sniper, Kevin. Who trained Bradley Cooper and ended up playing himself in the movie. Was a PA student at wake forest and now works as a PA in Fl.
What did you think of riding the Amtrack? How was American Sniper? xo
I need to invest in a ring noodle because I've hardly worn my rings since the cold weather hit. My fingers shrink a lot during the winter and my wedding rings just slide right off. Thanks for sharing!
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