Happy Monday, friends!! I hope everyone had a nice weekend- I spent mine in Charlotte with my main squeeze and as always, I didn’t want to leave. I have a lot going on in the next few weeks and won’t be back in Charlotte until August 10th… but at least I’ll be on my week-long break!! I’m linking with Biana & Meghan so let’s jump right into the recap!
First and foremost, we booked our honeymoon!!! I know, we’re super early but we knew where we wanted to go and there was a good deal with miles so we went for it. Ryan & I will be traveling to Saint Lucia next May and I cannot wait!! It’s a pretty popular honeymoon destination and I’ve heard nothing but amazing things about the island. We are still researching resorts but have some ideas of where we want to stay. Any recommendations about things to do (or to avoid) are welcome, I’d love to hear from y’all!
Friday was a good day. I met my MOH Logan at my bridal salon to pick up my… wedding dress!! It felt so good to try it on and I fell in love with it all over again. Now the hard part is going to be keeping it tucked away in storage for 9 months. I also had this fear that it wouldn’t zip but luckily it did… it’s just a little snug in the stomach area (eeek!). But I guess I have plenty of time to work on my abs. Now I just need to start shopping for my veil, shoes, and jewelry!
This weekend was the start of Charlotte Restaurant Week, so Ryan and I went to one of our favorite places, Fleming’s. You can never go wrong with a nice juicy steak paired with some red wine. Oh, and their white chocolate bread pudding was ahhh-mazing.
On Saturday, Ryan and I were supposed to go cake tasting but we had to reschedule. While Ryan was out golfing, he got stung by a bee/yellow jacket. Within 10 minutes he was itching all over his body and started developing hives. I told him to get Benadryl ASAP and when he got home, I took one look at him and said we were going straight to urgent care. He was itching all over his body and had horrible welts everywhere! He got his steroid shot and then spent most of the day sleeping (poor thing!) and I watched a marathon of Lifetime movies about men meeting crazy women online.
Sunday was a lazy day, we didn’t get out of bed until 10! We spent the afternoon lounging at the pool and I got in some light reading (love Carolina Bride!). We spontaneously decided to go see Jurassic World in the afternoon and oh.my.gosh– it’s one of the best movies I’ve seen in a while. If you haven’t already seen it- go now!! It was amazing!
Last but not least, of course I headed to Nordstrom this weekend to take advantage of the sale. I was lucky and snagged the very last one of this sweater!! I also came to terms with the fact that big sales like this can be overwhelming. I was also on a bit of a time crunch so I ordered the rest of my goodies online- I cannot wait to get these pumps… they are so stinking cute AND comfortable! Don’t forget, the sale is open to the public now and you can’t beat some of these deals. Last week I shared some of my picks under $100 and here are some more items on my wish list… round 2! Ps. You can click on any item below to shop!
I hope y’all have a great Monday! This morning I’ll be traveling to Durham for work since I don’t have to be in until 12. So thankful for an extra night in Charlotte!!

hi dear, i'm so curious to see that dress
So sorry to hear about Ryan's day, that is the worst! I'm glad you guys were able to enjoy the rest of the weekend a spend some time poolside. I am hoping to order a few things this week- this whole budget this is for the birds! Have a great week love! xo
Congrats on booking your honey moon – I've heard the Jade Mountain resort is gorgeous, but I'm not sure where you are staying – however I know that will be equally as gorgeous!!! I'm sorry to hear about Ryan, but he could not have been in better hands with you and I also didn't know you could get a steroid shot to get rid of the itching and hives so I learned something today!! happy monday doll! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
Yay for booking a honeymoon! I know y'all will have a blast! And poor Ryan — that can ruin a Saturday for sure! Glad you could enjoy Sunday!
xo Southern Style
I can't wait to see your dress- I know you will be gorgeous!! And hope Ryan is feeling better!
Seriously, what a good weekend – booking the honeymoon, getting the dress, restaurant week, pool time and sale shopping – I really can't think of anything that could be better! St. Lucia will be amazing and planning that perfect trip will be so much fun.
Congrats on booking your honeymoon! My fiance and I are traveling to Greece in October for ours. Not going to lie, I'm a bit nervous but I'm hoping that things calm down before then
xo, Jen
Sounds like such a great weekend (besides the bee sting…ouch!)! How exciting that you booked your honeymoon & picked up your dress
Glad to hear you loved the new Jurassic movie, I've been wanting to see it!
Yay for booking your honeymoon!! I was so excited when we booked ours. So fun to start dreaming of your resort and everything you are going to do!!
St. Lucia will be amazing! There are so many gorgeous resorts there, it's going to be hard to choose from!
YAY for the wedding dress AND honeymoon, so exciting! So sorry to hear about the bee sting, but glad he's ok!
Woohoo for St. Lucia and your dress coming in!!! Lots of wedding fun going on! Bummer that Ryan got stung – that always sucks but glad to hear he's feeling better now! Happy Monday!
Awwwwww so exciting!!!! Weddings and honeymoon planning brings me back
I can't wait to see your dress!!!
Love your nail color! And p.s. I know that bride on the cover… a friend from college!
Yay for your wedding dress! I can't wait to see it! And OMG about Ryan! Glad you were able to be there this weekend! And the honeymoon is going to be gorgeous!! xo
YAY for booking your honeymoon!! We went to Saint Lucia and LOVED IT
Where are you guys staying, I would love to give you a few recommendations!!!
Oh I love that tote! And yay for the honeymoon! Gosh I want to go on another one!
Eeek!! Can't wait to see your wedding dress when it's revealed!
Sara Kate Styling
YAYYYY for booking the honeymoon and your dress coming in! St. Lucia looks gorgeous! What resort did you guys end up picking? <3
Wasn’t Jurassic Park so good?? I definitely want to see it again! You will love St. Lucia. It’s beautiful!
Sounds like a good weekend (besides the whole sting + urgent care trip). How exciting you got your dress!
Yay, for honeymoons and wedding dresses!! You will have an AMAZING time in St Lucia!!
thats crazy about the bees, So excited for all the wedding festivities coming up for you!! I need to get to work on the stomach area too!!! and you have to go see train wreck!! saw it twice so freaking good!!
Hooray for your honeymoon being booked, I know you will have an awesome time in St. Lucia! Xo, Stephanie