We’re almost one month into PA school & it has actually been pretty enjoyable… Or have I spoken too soon? I would say this is our first super busy/stressful week, and there are plenty more to come from here on out. Just to fill you in, we have 3 tests and 2 quizzes this week.. Crazy right?
Sarah & I had a nail party on Friday night. Luckily this girl loves to paint her nails almost as much as I do and has quite an extensive polish collection. We were meant to be roomies.
This past weekend was full of studying (aren’t they all?) and some movies… 3 to be exact. On Saturday, Sarah & I went to the pool and made a “quick trip to Marshall’s & Target”.. or so we planned. I could walk around in Marshall’s for hours. They seriously try to get you with all the random stuff they conveniently place at the checkout line. Since all major shopping centers are >30 minutes away, we try to make use of our time by using our handy dandy Quizlet app to study flash cards on the go. PS: I’ve become such a nerd.
The highlight of Sunday was a trip to the outlets in Smithfield! J. Crew was having a ridiculous sale and I seriously had to refrain myself from buying like 20 things. Here are my finds from this weekend:
What I’m looking forward to this week:
- Getting 2 anatomy quizzes, 1 anatomy test & 1 physiology test out of the way
- Watching the Mistresses finale- didn’t have time for it last night so I hope Facebook doesn’t ruin it for me
- The iPhone 5S announcement today (finally!!!!!!)
- Seeing my sweet boyfriend this weekend!
Love keeping up with a fellow ZTA sister on here
I hope you are enjoying your new journey at Campbell, all my family lives down there in Dunn and I have 2 cousins that currently attend Campbell! Hope you're doing well and can enjoy your weekend. ZL,
Thanks so much girl! Campbell is definitely an adjustment from Charlotte but I love it here! Hope you're doing well too.. I'm now following you on bloglovin! Your blog looks great
zl, K