Maternity Photos: Almost a Family of Four!

It’s baby month and our sweet little girl could come any day now so I thought I’d share my third trimester and final bumpdate of this pregnancy!
We decided to take our last big family trip this July to the beautiful Lake Tahoe. It was the first time visiting for Ryan & I and our last trip as a family of 3 before baby girl arrives in September. We have friends that live out there and have been talking about visiting for a while so this seemed like the perfect opportunity. Sharing a few snaps and a few things from our itinerary in today’s post!
You guys probably know that I’m a huge fan of meal delivery these days. I shared Little Spoon when we were feeding Porter purees, Nurture Life has been great for toddler meals and we can’t get enough of Freshly when we want a fresh & flavorful dinner in under 5 minutes. I’ve recently been trying out Revive Superfoods which delivers healthy and delicious meals straight to your door. They offer smoothies, oats, soups and more AND I’m excited to share a discount code with you guys!
Can y’all believe that July 4th is less than 2 weeks away?! Summer has seriously flown by and I’m trying to soak up every minute! You know I love a good festive outfit for any holiday so in today’s post I’m sharing our red, white & blue looks for this year!
Summer is officially here! Well, yesterday was the first “official” day but I think summer always kicks off with Memorial Day. Either way, the temps have been hot and I have been trying to spend as much time by the pool as I can! Porter is such a water baby too and has been loving his new Funbaby private jet float!