Porter is 10 months old and I’m a little late sharing this month’s update… but better late than never!! His personality is as big as ever and he’s definitely getting more vocal and mobile. Cannot believe he’s in the double digits!
Haven’t weight Porter in a while but estimating around 18-18.5 lbs. He’s wearing size 3 diapers and 6-9 and some 9-12 month clothes.
His new thing is rubbing his tongue across his two top teeth since they’re coming in hot! He also loves to dance to music (just like his mama) and play hide & seek with daddy. He has also figured out how to play with the Hatch sound machine and will touch the top of it to change the sounds.
This boy doesn’t really like to sit still or when you try to cradle him. Makes me miss those newborn days where he would just sleep on my chest! He also hates lying on his back when I’m trying to get his monthly photo, most of them look like this!

He’s still my rockstar sleeper. Still taking 2 naps and sometime a catnap.
Porter had two big milestones this month- he took his first flight and beach trip to Naples, Florida. Porter did great on the flight and absolutely loved the water- you can read more about our trip here!

Porter also started standing on his own and cruising furniture. He can get around so quickly these days so we really have to keep our eyes on him at all times!
There was so much going on this holiday season- lots of “firsts”! Porter celebrated his first Thanksgiving and picked out a Christmas tree. He met Santa (see full post here) and wore ALL the Christmas outfits. He truly made the holiday season so much more fun!

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