Porter turned 2 months old on Sunday and I can’t believe how much he’s already grown! It’s crazy to look back on the photos of his first few weeks and see how small he was- I’m sharing a few highlights from his 2nd month in today’s post.
We had our 2-month pediatrician visit this morning and he’s weight was 9 lbs. 9.5 oz! At his 1 month checkup he was still weighing a little less than he should be so we supplemented every other feeding with a bottle of formula for a week. We alternated this with nursing and went back the next week for a weight check and he gained over a pound and was up to 7 lbs. 13 oz. so we went back to his normal feeding schedule! The pediatrician also said we could finally let him wake us through the night instead of us wake him up every 3 hours which was great news.
Around 5 weeks he outgrew his preemie clothes and now is busting out of his newborn clothes and wearing some 0-3. He’s finally got some chubby cheeks that Ryan & I can’t stop kissing!
We haven’t been able to do much because of the Coronavirus but have been getting out to take walks as much as we can, any time the weather is nice. Porter loves riding in the stroller and taking in the fresh air. He also turned a corner and discovered his love for bath time aka spa day! This was in part thanks to Ryan’s mom who told us to place a warm washcloth over his body while we bathed him which we didn’t do at first… you live and you learn! He also likes pulling mommy’s hair, a new skill of his.
Still not a huge fan of diaper changes and being naked. Also doesn’t like being hungry- when he wants his milk he wants it now!

We like to joke and call Porter a glutton because the boy loves to eat… and then get milk drunk! Right now he nurses half the time and the other half he takes a bottle. It’s been so nice to have Ryan at home because he will do some of the bottle feeds while I pump. Right now he’s taking about 4 – 4.5 ounces per feeding.
Porter is doing SO much better in the sleep department. He typically gets a 5-6 hours stretch but we’ve had a few days where he’s gone 7! This means I only have to get up once at night which is a pleasant change from those first few weeks. We are starting to get him on somewhat of a sleep schedule- taking a combination of pointers from the Taking Cara Babies course and Moms on Call. He’s also doing about 2-3 naps in his crib a day. We still have him in the bassinet beside us at night but will probably move him to the nursery in 1-2 months.
The biggest milestone of this month was his first smile!! It happened at 7 weeks one morning when we were all snuggling in our bed- it was the sweetest thing and Ryan almost cried! He had been asking Porter to smile for him for a while and he was so happy when it finally happened. We get so excited when we catch a little grin.
We also celebrated my birthday/ Easter weekend- I had too much fun dressing him up as a little bunny! Oh, and he had his very first blowout… in our bed! After a few more days of mini blowouts, we realized he had grown out of the newborn diapers and now we’re on to size 1.

Aw he is so cute!! I Absolutely love the last little photos with the carrot, so freaking cute!
I’m dying over ALL his outfits! Best dressed little man for sure!
the HER chronicles [] http://theherchronicles.com
Porter is SO cute! I can’t believe he is already 2 months. The longer stretches of sleep at night are SO nice compared to them eating all the time!
He is so cute! Happy 2 months Porter!
Oh my gosh he is absolutely precious. Can’t get over those outfits! Love love love.
xx Rebecca // http://www.rebeccapiersol.me
Such a cutie!! Love the Easter photos and his little white ribbed outfit.
Those Easter photos are too precious! Such a cutie! xoxo, Sarah
His little joggers are the cutest thing ever! Not to mention that little Easter outfit – adorable!
xo Laura Leigh
It sure is crazy how time flies. I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying so many special moments with Porter. Those Easter photos are just too cute! And little smiles happening now? I bet it’s awesome seeing his personality start to show!
What a little cutie!