Y’all. I cannot believe I have a 3 month old baby!! I’m back with another recap of what’s been going on with Baby P the past month. My little boy is growing so fast and he adds so much joy to our family- lots of cute photos ahead!
No official weigh-in at the pediatrician this month but we’ve been weighing him weekly on our scale (Ryan will weigh himself with Porter and then without). Right now he’s just about 12 pounds and wearing 0-3 month clothes. He used to be wrinkly and now he officially has thigh rolls, haha!

He loves to look in the mirror and will smile at his reflection- its’ the cutest thing! He definitely gives us the most smiles in the morning and it melts my heart every time. He is also loving his Lovevery play gym and is actually starting to play with the toys. Still loving the Mamaroo and now is fascinated by the ball toys on the mobile. Also, he loves his new Weefarers and looked so cool laying by the pool!
He’s been crushing tummy time but doesn’t really like it for more than 10 minutes so we aim to do it 4 times per day! Also if he’s hangry and you don’t have his bottle ready… watch out! We dipped his toes in the pool for the first time last weekend and he wasn’t a huge fan. We still need the water to warm up a bit before we can swim with us but hopefully he’ll come to love it!
Porter is still breastfeeding although I can definitely tell he has developed a preference for the bottle (we’ve been nursing half the time and giving bottles half the time). Over the past few weeks he has started to get fussy while nursing except in the mornings when there is obviously more milk and a faster flow. Sometimes I will give him 2 oz. then finish nursing and yesterday he actually nursed well during the day so it can be hit or miss. Since he’s home with the nanny when I work he’s taking more bottles anyway so I will just continue to nurse whenever I get a chance! Otherwise he is crushing 5 oz. bottles and becoming a little chunky monkey!

Porter is officially sleeping through the night… praise!! We still do a dream feed around 9:30/10pm but I usually have to wake him up at 7am to nurse before work. So proud of him and it has been SO nice not to wake up in the middle of the night to feed. We use the Owlet sock & monitor and I really like the sleep tracking feature- we can see when he’s in a light or deep sleep at night or when he awakens. He’s still doing 2-3 naps in his crib but is still in the bassinet with us and night and we’re still swaddling him. I will say he’s squirming around so much more- sometimes we’ll find him scrunched up in the corner of the bassinet with his face against the edge. It might be time to move him to the crib soon but having him in our room is easier for now!
This month we celebrated my first Mother’s Day which was the best! Ryan made us some lunch and we picked up dessert from Amelie’s French Bakery and went to our favorite park for a picnic. It was the most beautiful day and it was nice to spend it with my boys. I’m so grateful to be Porter’s mom!
And this one was more of a milestone for me, but I went back to work last week. Maternity leave is officially over and while it was a little sad to leave my baby, I don’t think I would enjoy being a stay at home mom forever. I love my job as a PA and it was nice to get back in the groove of seeing patients. We have a nanny that takes care of Porter while I’m at work and he has adjusted perfectly. Luckily Ryan is still working from home so that made the transition a little easier.

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