I might be a week behind, but I’m back with another update on the past month with Porter! He is 4 months old and growing so much- being his mom is the absolute best!
Porter weighed in at 12 lbs. 12 oz. at his 4-month checkup. He’s wearing some 0-3 and some 3-6M clothes, depending on the brand. So sad when they outgrow the tiny little outfits!
He still loves going fro strolls and car rides. We bought him a little float for the pool and now that the water is warm enough, he loves going in! He also likes to drool a lot during tummy time.

As of now, there’s not much that this boy doesn’t like. The only thing that I can think of is when we do some of our neck stretching holds. I shared on Instagram a few weeks ago that Porter developed a flat spot so we have been doing some PT and repositioning to try to fix it.
My milk supply started to slow down around 3.5 months so we started supplementing with 1-2 bottles of formula per day. I took one week of the Legendairy Milk supplement which did help a little, but to be honesty I’m trying to wean by 6 months so I will be cutting out one pump session every few weeks until then. He’s gotten to the point where he only nurses in the morning, he definitely developed a bottle preference one the past few months. I had hopes of nursing whenever I was home and just pumping at work, but unfortunately that didn’t work out. Right now he’s eating 6 ounce bottles, we love to call him a glutton!
Porter is a rockstar sleeper! He has been sleeping through the night since about 2.5 months. We finally moved him to his crib at 3.5 months and it has been great. We missed him being beside us the first 2 nights but it has been smooth sailing since. We also transitioned him to the Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit since he was moving so much in his swaddle and I think he sleeps even better in that thing. He looks like a little yellow marshmallow!

Porter has been doing so well during tummy time and can sometimes roll from his stomach to his back, but not the other way quite yet. He has started to grab toys with his hands and bring them to his mouth! He has also found his voice which is THE cutest- we love to have little conversations with him. He’s not full-on laughing yet but we’ve heard a chuckle or two!

Aww what a cutie! I love this update such a fun post to read. He is growing so fast!
He is super duper cute. Those cheeks are to die for. I love all the cute outfits you have him in.
❥ tanvii.com
No way, already? What a cutie and those sandals on him, dying!!!
Oh my! He’s four months already? Babies always seem to grow so fast.
Xx, Nailil
Such a cute little man! I love his facial expressions.
These first few months of life are so memorable and precious! Enjoy. They grow up fast!
I can’t believe he’s already four months old! He’s such a cutie!
All these pictures are so sweet. Love how your capturing and logging his moments and your experiences! xoxo, Sarah
OMG what a cutie! These photos are absolutely adorable! These milestones are going to be amazing for you to look back on! xo