My little Porter James is 7 months old! I feel like so much has happened this past month- sharing a few updates in today’s milestone post!
customizable onesie // weight rattle // baby Jordans
Porter is weighing about 15.5 lbs these days. He’s wearing 6 month/6-9 month clothes and his thighs are coming in nicely, lol!

Porter finally came around and now loves to be thrown in the air- he gives us the best smiles & laughs! He also LOVES to plank and will do it any chance he gets. He also loves to play with all the crinkle toys and put everything in his mouth (y’all… he licked the bottom of my bedroom slippers the other day)!
He wasn’t a huge fan of mango at first (probably because it’s so tart) but came around after 2 days.

Lately Porter has been all over the place with his bottles which I can hear can come with teething. He has 4 bottles a day that are anywhere from 5-7 oz. He is eating his baby food like a champ. We’ve been trying a new food every 3 days, favorites so far have been pears, carrots & butternut squash.
No change in this department, Porter is still my little sleep superstar! He takes 2 naps a day (sometimes with an additional catnap) and is still sleeping through the night.
Porter is almost crawling!! He rocks back & forth on his hands and knees and is scooting all over the place. He also loves to plank and is venturing off his play mat a lot more these days so it’s probably time to start babyproofing! Porter has also found his toes- he mostly likes to snack on them during diaper changes. There’s nothing cuter than baby toes!!
I also had a milestone of my own and had my first weekend away from Porter since he was born. I went to a bachelorette weekend in Charleston and I did miss my boy but it was so nice to get out of town and have a girls weekend. Thank goodness for FaceTime!
Porter also completed his cranial helmet treatment and said bye bye to his flat spot (you can read all about his journey here). I felt like he was balding for a month or two but over the past few weeks his hair is starting to come back and it’s getting darker!
He is absolutely ADORABLE! Makes me miss mine being that little, enjoy this stage while you can!
xoxo Sarah
That’s amazing that Porter is a great sleeper! What a cutie!
Can’t believe how big he’s gotten! He’s so cute!
He is so adorable! He can do a plank better than adults
What a cutie! So many sweet moments captured and already planking like a pro, lol! xoxo, Sarah
How has it been 7 months already? So crazy how time flies! Porter is such a handsome little nugget. I love his smile! It’s fun to see how he’s progressed month-to-month
He is too cute!! Time is flying by! I can’t believe he’s already 7 months!
Oh my gosh what a little cutie pie!!! Y’all have had so many sweet memories captured and many more to come!
So precious! The weight is too cute.
He is just so adorable! Baby thighs are the best – esp when they get chunky, haha!
So sweet! I have heard that the time flies by so fast, so I think it’s great that you have these posts to look back on! He sure is a happy boy, congrats mama!