It has been 8 glorious months with our little Porter James. He’s really starting to get a personality now and is so much fun, life is so different from the early newborn days and I’m trying to savor each and every minute!
No official weight but I think Porter is somewhere around 16.5-17 lbs. He’s still wearing 6 month/6-9 month clothes and buying outfits for fall has been so much fun!! Give me all the sweater knit and cozy pieces!
Porter loves playing with phone cords and shoes, pulling up on furniture and looking out the windows. He loves to reach out and feel anything textured and basically likes to get his hands on anything he can. We have a very curious boy on our hands!
He’s not a fan of when I wipe his face clean after eating or getting dressed. Putting on clothes while he’s on his back is next to impossible these days so now I do it while he’s sitting up! Oh, and not a fan of split pea soup.

Porter has been expanding his palate this month. He tried eggs and loves them! We are still doing mostly purees but slowly introducing finger foods, yogurt melts and wafers. He’s still eating four 6-7 oz. bottles per day.
No change in sleeping habits this month. Porter is still sleeping through the night consistently and takes 2 naps a day, sometimes with a cat nap.

Porter started crawling this month- probably the biggest milestone so far!! He is on the move ALL the time and loves crawling to places he’s not supposed to be (the fireplace, around my houseplant). He also gave daddy his first kiss which melted my heart! He also went on his first hike and first visit to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch… doing all the fall things!
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