Hey y’all! I cannot believe I am in the final stretch of my first pregnancy. I’m 36 weeks so that means 4 more weeks to go… give or take. Today I’m sharing a few updates of what’s been going on this last trimester and who knows… this may or may not be my last bumpdate post until baby boy is here!
NYC Babymoon
In the beginning of December we took a quick babymoon to NYC- our last trip with just the two of us before we become parents. We did all the Christmasy things for the holidays- it was such a great time and I hope that we are still able to travel here and there with our baby boy! You can see the full post here.
Baby size
This week baby is the size of a papaya (according to my app) and approximately 18-19 inches long. I’m measuring just half a week small which is normal since I’m petite so they scheduled me for an extra ultrasound last week. It was good to see him one last time and be reassured that he is looking happy and healthy. He’s measuring about 4.5 lbs. which means he will hopefully be about 6.5 lbs when he’s born (babies typically gain a 1/2 pound per week toward the end of pregnancy). I can’t wait to dress him up in all the cute outfits I’ve been getting for him!

Are you nervous?
A lot of people have been asking me this and I’d say yes and no. For some reason I’m not that nervous about the actual delivery process- maybe because I’ve delivered a baby before and assisted on plenty of C-sections during PA school. I guess I have some idea of what to expect and also figure that our bodies are made to do this and we’ll figure it out. What I’m probably more nervous for is what to do with the baby when we take him home! All of the unknowns of being a new parent are definitely starting to creep in.
What are you most excited about?
Seeing his face for the first time!! You spend 9 months growing this little human and love them so much before you even meet them, so that moment will be so sweet! I’m so excited to see Ryan hold him- I know he will be a ball of tears. I can’t wait to see who he looks like and if he has hair! I can’t wait to give him all the love and snuggles and become a mom for the first time.
Birth plan, yay or nay?
To be honest, my birth plan is to get the baby out safely. One of the doctors at my practice did say it was good to have something in writing like who you want in the room, if you want an epidural, etc. My main requests are to have only Ryan & myself in the room during delivery, I’m 100% open to an epidural, and if I have to have a c-section then absolutely no staples (yes some doctors still do that).
Nanny or Daycare?
We plant to do a combination of both. We are on 4 daycare lists right now- it can take a long time to get in the good ones in our area. The waits are still about a year out and I got on the lists right when I found out I was pregnant! Honestly, we don’t even want to send him until he is about 9 months old because I know how sick daycare babies get. We don’t have any of our parents in town so we will start out with a nanny and see how that goes!
Nursery update
Here’s at look at the nursery progress so far- it has come a long way since I last shared it! We painted the room (color is Benjamin Moore Fanfare) and had a big furniture delivery right before my shower. All the essential pieces are in, we just need to get some more decorative accents and hang some more things up on the walls. Oh, and a plant or two!
Baby shower
I had my shower the day I turned 33 weeks and it was the sweetest day! It was great having my closest family and girlfriends there to celebrate Baby Sapel. I still have the balloons hanging in my dining room and will probably keep them up until baby boy arrives! You can check out the full blog post on the shower here.

Random Things
One thing that I have definitely been craving this last trimester is French fries. I’m normally not a huge fry lover but lately (mostly at work) I have been loving fries with ranch. Other than that no aversions, I still eat pretty much everything.
The past two weeks I have noticed some swelling creeping in. First I noticed my wedding rings were tight and just a few days ago when I got home from work I noticed it on the inside of my ankles… and Ryan said I had cankles haha!! I know this is common to develop at the end or pregnancy, just hoping it doesn’t get much worse. I’ll be wearing compression socks to work from now on!
Another funny thing, Ryan has noticed that I snore when I first start to fall asleep or if I’m not completely on my side. And I never snore so I think it’s pretty funny. It’s probably because baby is getting all up into my lung space! I’ve been using this Boppy pregnancy pillow this last trimester and it has been great for supporting my belly and back and keeping me on my side. Highly recommend!
I have been getting into nesting mode. Have washed all of baby’s things and organized his closet and now need to organize the dresser drawers. I still haven’t packed my hospital bag (gasp!) but it’s on my to-do list for this week. I will be doing a post on that as well since you guys had a lot of great recommendations on IG stories.
Bump photos from the past 8 months…

Where’s the golf romper from? I need this for my little boy coming this summer!!
Oh boy!! You’re getting so close and I hope the next few weeks are calm for you! You look fantastic! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
What a fun update and such an exciting time! Those baby clothes you got are just darling!
ah you are getting so close! the nursery looks adorable and love the idea of a NYC babymoon!
xx rebecca // thecrystalpress.com
It feels like you just shared your baby announcement and can’t believe you only have 4 more weeks to go! So exciting!
Aww I love this bump date! So many excited things happening
I can’t believe it’s almost time!
Oh my gosh- you are SO close!!!! Baby boy will be here before you know it!
Ah it’s getting so close! Such a great bumpdate – the nursery is looking beautiful and I’m glad you guys had a great baby moon!
So excited for you mama, you are so close! You look amazing and loving all of these bumpdate pictures!! So cute.
cute & little
It’s the home stretch! I can’t wait to e-meet your little papaya hehe.
Beautiful photos…you’re almost there! Best of luck on the last leg of the bump journey! xoxo, Sarah
You are almost there … you look stunning. Lovely pictures.
❥ tanvii.com
You look so incredible! I just love the light fixture in the nursery.
I can’t believe you only have four weeks left! It feels like you just announced you were expecting!