Hi, friends!! It’s that dreaded day of the week again but with a positive attitude- and a big cup of coffee– I know we can all get through it. This past weekend, Ryan & I packed our bags, beach chairs, and cooler and headed to Wrightsville Beach. Even though I went a ton last year, this was my first trip down this summer because most of my weekends this year have been jam packed. The reason for this trip was for our 3rd wedding of the year and I was super excited to see my childhood friend Nikki tie the knot!
Similar dress here
Ryan and I woke up and left early (but not as early as I wanted) to get in some beach time before the wedding. We scoured the parking places for like 20 minutes and were about to give up and pay the $20 parking, until we saw someone who was leaving from the most amazing spot. Success!! It was a b-e-a-utiful day at the beach but those waves were rough. I went in waist deep and got thrown under the water 2 or 3 times but hey, it was good for all the surfers out there!

We met my friend Kelly for lunch and then checked in to our hotel to get ready. The ceremony was on the beach towards the north side of Wrightsville and Nikki looked stunning- I absolutely loved her dress! After the couple said their “I do’s”, we walked a few blocks down the street to the reception

There was a huge buffet so we stuffed ourselves pretty quickly. One of my favorite parts of the reception was when Nikki and her dad did a dance in honor of their favorite sports team, the Detroit Redwings. She has been a huge fan of them since I can remember so this was totally them! And of course, we were all doing the whip & nae nae on the dance floor. Yet another song that doesn’t really make sense, but it’s so dang catchy!

It was so great to be there for Nikki & Derek’s big day and to catch up with my high school girls. It’s so crazy to think that we are all grown up now- getting married, buying houses, and having babies. I’m so excited to see them all again in Charlotte next May! I hope y’all had a great weekend as well. Hopefully this week will go by quickly because I’m off to the beach again this coming weekend… except this time I’ll be heading to Kiawah!!
Linking with Biana & Meghan.

Looks like the perfect beach wedding weekend! Have fun this weekend in Kiawah – you'll love it!
Such a beautiful wedding! And you and Ryan look so great!
What an awesome weekend! Even if the water was a bit choppy at the beach the pictures are gorgeous and looks like such a pretty day! Looks like a beautiful wedding too! Glad you guys had a great time!
<3, Pamela
Sequins & Sea Breezes
I love the dress you wore to the wedding – so pretty! That house is unreal and looks like it was the perfect beach wedding venue!! Happy Monday!
What a fun weekend! I love your friends wedding dress – it's so fun! Glad you were able to get some beach time in before the wedding
xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
looks like fun!! beautiful bride
Looks like such a great weekend – you guys had fabulous weather and the wedding looks so nice! I love your dress choice!
What a fun weekend. You look gorgeous too, love! LOVE your dress! xx
What a fun fun weekend! Love the dress you wore and looked like a gorgeous wedding!
The seashell house, so cool. Love all of the pictures and your dress is so pretty!
Looks like such a fun weekend! Love all the photos!
I loved Wrightsville Beach when I went years ago (and who knew what a fun town Wilmington is, also!). Great summer dress perfect for a beachy wedding, girl!
Oh my goodness, what a beautiful day! That house is stunning, and it's super cool that it's made of seashells!
Such a fun weekend! Both you and the bride looked beautiful and I love that she's a Red Wings fan
I'm already counting down the days til next weekend, too!!!
What a gorgeous spot for a wedding! And yay for beach days with fun waves, always a good time.
Cheers to a fabulous week gurlie <3
Love your dress! The wedding looks fun!
Your maxi dress is so pretty!
Ummm that venue looks amazing! About to go stalk that thing online. Sounds like a fun weekend!
xo. Shelby