It’s Monday, I’m back at school, and my 2nd year of PA school has officially begun!!!! I seriously can’t believe it. Today starts our orientation week and I’m so very excited to learn all about clinicals, meet the new PA class (yay for newbies!), and go to lots of fun events. I’m going to enjoy this entire week with the roomies & my classmates until I have to back to Charlotte on Sunday. So without further ado, here is a little peek into my weekend.
As you may know, this weekend we celebrated Ryan’s birthday and it was filled with lots of entertainment. On Friday, we went to the Panthers first pre-season game which was so much fun (thank goodness the rain held out). We were excited to check out the renovations to the stadium and let me just give a shout out to the escalators. My feet thank you. We finished the night off with some beverages at Tin Roof, a live music bar in the Epicenter.
By the way, how freakin cute are these baby Coke cans? Ryan brought them home after work- he had pre-ordered them when he was still working at Coke. How sweet!
Saturday night Ryan & I continued the festivities at the Oddball Festival comedy tour. I’ve only ever been to one little comedy show (Eddie Murphy’s brother) but this was a long lineup of some of the biggest comedians out there- some of my favorites being Aziz Ansari, Chris Hardwick, and Jeff Ross. These guys can definitely get a bit crude (seriously, how do they get away with the stuff they say?) but hey, laughter is the best medicine!
Did I mention how gloomy Saturday & Sunday were? Gloomy weather is perfect for…. you guessed it, shopping! We made our way down to the brand new Charlotte Premium Outlets, which are super nice and have a great selection of stores. No trip to the outlets is complete without a visit to J.Crew Factory and they had lots of cute pieces that got me excited for fall. I tried on this vest– I had my eye on it last year and it almost left with me, but I refuse to pay full price at this place… fingers crossed it goes on sale soon!
Ps. Exactly 1 week from today I start seeing patients… eeeek! Hope everyone had a fab weekend and don’t forget to join us tomorrow for #Trending Tuesday!

Love that J.Crew puffer vest! Gloomy days are definitely perfect for shopping! Jealous you got to go to the Panther's game! Looks like fun! Good luck seeing patients next week!!
<3, Pamela
Love that vest!!!! You need it
but I totally agree, I can't do full price there because everything goes on sale eventually!
I love that Ryan is a Giants fan!! And I totally love the J.Crew vest. Congrats on making it to year 2!
I'm sooo glad the rain held out on Friday! It ended up being perfect weather for the game. How'd you like Draught? We stopped by there for an hour or so since they had a Clemson alumni thing set up there before the game.
YAY for year two! Good luck with everything. Your weekend sounds like it was a great time (and happy birthday to your guy)! That vest is adorable (and I love your ring)!
I've had my eye on that vest forever and seriously will be buying it this year!!! Looks like it was a great birthday weekend and that comedy line-up sounds amazing!!
I bought that vest in July because I didn't want to miss it! Looks like a fun weekend in Charlotte! I haven't been to a Panthers game in years!
Looks like such a fun weekend and that comedy show sounds like a ton of fun. Glad you had fun celebrating the birthday and a really fun shopping day! That vest looks adorable on you
OMG what a fun weekend!! That mall looks amazing and Happy birthday to Ryan! Good luck with your 2nd year of PA school!!
<3 Shannon
Good luck with your second year! And woohoo shopping, love the vest!
Ahhhh I've had that vest on my wish list since last winter! So happy to see it's restocked!! I'm actually tempted to pay full price just in case it sells out again this year… Anyway glad you had a great weekend! Good luck with school starting today!
You should use your student ID… You get 15% in store. Not a huge discount but still! I use my UNCC one all the time still!
P.S. Good seeing you at Tin Roof
hope you guys had fun!
gah – i need to go over the premium outlets. it's on my to-do list! glad you had fun at the game! where was the oddball comedy show? in clt?
I love that vest but I'm the same way…I just can't justify paying full price for it! Hoping it goes on sale!
Congrats on being a 2nd year!! My old roomie Lindsey Ballard is just starting at Campbell, she is so sweet!!
LOVE that outfit!! The vest!!