Happy Monday guys!! I’m off to the hospital for my computer training this morning and starting my 7th rotation in inpatient internal medicine. Hopefully it goes well- I definitely see myself as more of an “outpatient girl” but I’ll be at a small hospital so hopefully things won’t get too crazy. I packed up my life from Charlotte and am back in Raleigh for this month… only a few more months of this crazy moving back and forth! Anyways, let’s get to my short & sweet weekend recap.
++ Friday night I met Joey and Meghan in SouthEnd for Food Truck Friday. We were bad bloggers and failed to snap a pic, although I’ll just blame it on the muggy weather. We even scored a picnic table AND this random lady gave us some free cider. It’s always a good time when I get together with these two
++ Saturday morning I met Joey at a boutique in Charlotte to get details for a collab with Dolls in the City Tour. This is a fun “girls night out” event full of shopping, manicures, food tastings and more that is coming to Charlotte in June. Be on the lookout soon for more info!
++ That afternoon, Ryan and I headed to South Park mall for a little shopping. One of my favorite things about birthdays is all the fun coupons & free gifts that you get!
++ Let’s talk about the infamous “Pink Sunday.” Holy crap… all I can say is that Target was CRAY! Just imagine a bunch of 20-30 year old women running around an empty store grabbing any little bright colored thing they could. Ryan gave me the smart idea to keep updating the Twitter hashtag to see when things were becoming available online. Apparently items were released on mobile first because girls would be tweeting links to one item at a time. I scored a shift dress and the gold wedges (yay!!) but unfortunately waited too long to check out with some other items and poof! they disappeared from my cart. Meh. I’ll get over it. I did manage to make it out of the store with a beach towel and phone case. I just can’t believe how FAST all of the stuff went, blows my mind!

Ah we were JUST talking about lululemon!! Absolutely loved spending my weekend with you! I'm sad you're back in Raleigh now
Come home soon!!!
I stayed farrrrr away from Target this weekend! SO JEALOUS you and Meghan hung out! Hopefully I can join you guys sometime in the near future! PICK ME for the Lulu giveaway
Lulu is my weakness, my hub and his wallet would seriously thank y'all if I won haha
I can't believe how intense some women were about "Pink Sunday." It sounded just as bad as Black Friday…only maybe possibly worse because it was all women & women can be vicious! Glad you scored some stuff. Have a great Monday!
Blows my mind how crazy people went over this collection – glad you got some stuff though! Good luck with your new rotation! xo, Biana – BlovedBoston
a funny week end
Love food truck Fridays! And that Dolls in the City Tour sounds like such a fun event. It's still completely blowing my mind how ridiculous people were over the Lilly-Target collab. I'm glad you didn't encounter any crazies!
Have a fabulous week <3
Yay for food trucks and girl time and Kendra Scott! Totally didn't even remember the Lilly even come Sunday, but then again, post-30th celebrating, you'd have to be die-hard to
Such a great weekend!! Love the 'Pink Sunday' – sadly I was out of town and missed everything! Glad you were able to get a few things, can't wait to hear how you like the wedges!
Pink Sunday was out of control! I really wanted to get a few things but I got absolutely nothing. Didn't try the store and online was sold out!
Food Truck Friday is the best, but it's like every time I try to go it's raining. Fingers crossed for clear skies soon, im dying for Auto Burger and Fry Guys! Did you go to the Midtown target? I heard it was an absolute mob scene. No thanks!
Southern Belle Secrets
What a perfect giveaway! maybe some new gear will give me inspiration to work out ha!
OMG, i can only imagine Target on Sunday. Everything I saw made it look like the end of the world, lily style! Glad you had a fun weekend!
Ok, are those cake pops in that first pic?? If so I need them ASAP!!! And ugh, Pink Sunday. Such a crazy mess! Jealous you scored those wedges though!!!
Good for you for scoring some things from Pink Sunday! I couldn't believe how quickly everything went!!
What a fun-filled weekend! Hopefully, you're computer training went well. I wish you only success in your academic/career endeavors.
Happy Monday, Kristina
Yay for at least getting a couple of the things you wanted from the Target craziness! Hopefully they will have leftover things around when I'm home in a few weeks! Glad you had a wonderful weekend, lovely. xo
Kristina, I just stumbled upon your Rocking Blog and followed you on Bloglovin. Wow, you are One of the lucky Target Lilly fans. Bet it was nuts. Have a terrific Tuesday.
I can't believe the lily target craziness! And now people are marking it way up on eBay.. it's like if you are going to pay over $150 buy the real stuff haha!
Just found your blog and I love it! I am finishing my junior year of undergrad as a pre-med and I am taking the MCAT in July and applying to medical schools this summer! I'm glad I found someone who loves medicine!
Very nice!!!
Woo hoo for being half way through! I had so much fun with you and Joey! P.S. I want more deets on the Charlotte blogger event! That sounds amazing! xoxo
I heard Target was complete madness so I did not brave the storm, hoping to get my hands on a few items if people return anything! Xo, Stephanie