I love sharing my favorite baby brands with your guys and one of my very favorites is Freshly Picked. You have probably heard of them but in case you haven’t, they are a Utah-based company that are most well-known for their leather moccasins. They now have sandals, sneakers, diaper bags, swaddles and other fun accessories for babies and toddlers.
Use my code FPxKRISTINA to get 20% off your purchase (new customers only, ends April 30th)!
Porter has been wearing Freshly Picked mocs since he was a newborn, I think they’re one of the most adorable baby shoes out there (the ones he’s wearing are the birch color)! I love the neutrals because they go with everything but they also have tons of cute and colorful prints- leopard print, Star Wars, Harry Potter… you name it! Not only are they cute but they are also great for baby’s feet. Once Porter started walking, I did some research and discovered that soft & flexible soles are best for their feet. They’ve also been my go-to’s because they are THE easiest shoes to put on thanks to the elastic around the ankles.

Use my code FPxKRISTINA to get 20% off your purchase (new customers only, ends April 30th)!
I had never heard of this brand prior to your blog post. Probably because I don’t have any children and only have one friend with a baby. But now that I’m aware of them, I’ll be perusing their website to shop for any future baby showers I attend!
No littles here but looks like this brand has the cutest things! So sweet! xoxo, Sarah
I’m always looking for new baby brands to try out! I love how cute their stuff are and super functional!
OMG what a cutie! those little moccasins are adorable! That bag is incredible!
What a cute little one you have! The moccasins are adorable, but I love how you dressed him too!
OMG How adorable and stylish!
XX Angelica
I love those baby moccasins, and also his little seersucker look jacket! You’ve got a stylish little man!
xo Jaimie
I mean how cute is this little one! in love with his shoes and jacket – just the cutest!
xo Laura Leigh
The moccasins look cute and comfy, and the bag is wonderful too! Your little one is adorable!
He is absolutely adorable… and so stylish! Thanks for sharing this brand!