Happy Friday!! Aren’t short weeks awesome? There were two big finales this week which included Bachelor in Paradise and Mistresses (am I the only one who still watches that?!). I’ll admit, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Nick in the beginning but I think he’ll make a good bachelor. Heck, he practically lives on that show so I’m sure he’s got it down pat by now. And the ending of Mistresses was so weird and confusing- I’m hanging in suspense over here! Anyways, enough about my TV shows and on to today’s very colorful post located in none other than the Wynwood Walls.
My friend Lindsay and I somehow managed to get up at 8am and get ready to shoot after a 4am bedtime the night before. If that isn’t dedication, I don’t know what is! It can be hard to squeeze in blog photos when on a bachelorette party but we knew we couldn’t pass up the Wynwood Walls in Miami. There are barely any painted walls here in Charlotte so I had to take advantage of our pretty surroundings.This wall’s mural was painted by Maya Hayuk and it was at the top of my list to see. I mean… just look at all of those colors!! The whole Wynwood area is full of amazing street art but some of the main walls are closed off by a gate and don’t open until 10:30am. Since we had to wait, we enjoyed some AC and enjoyed some cold-pressed juice at Jugofresh. This was the first time I’d tried it and it was delicious, but for $10 it better be!!
I know summer is (almost) over but I wasn’t about to bust out the fall clothes in Miami. Instead, I paired this super versatile off-the-shoulder top with my blue striped skinnies that I have literally worn all summer long. I normally hate wearing pants/jeans in the heat but these are thinner and more lightweight than your typical denim so that’s why I have been reaching for them over and over again. And y’all- I just found these mirrored sunnies at Nordstrom for $12!! Sometimes cheap sunglasses can feel, well… cheap, but not these babies. I was pretty impressed with the quality and love the color of the lenses.
I’m excited for a low-key weekend and um… I still need to unpack over here! Although the first day of fall is a few weeks away, I can totally feel everyone getting into the fall spirit. Football has officially began and Starbucks is back at it with the PSLs. However, these 90 degree days are for the birds. Hope y’all have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!

I watch Mistresses! I was SO confused. I feel like I experienced almost every emotion possible during the two episodes! I can't wait to see what happens!
seriously enough of this heat right?! love that outfit – so clean and chic
and props to you guys for getting there early after a long night! impressed! happy weekend 
xoxo cheshire kat
I'm with you – I'm over all of these 90 degree days! I'm ready for some cooler temps to go along with the football. Cute top & pretty wall!
Happy Friday!
I also watch Mistresses and was super confused by the ending! I really hope they renew the show because they REALLY need to clear some of these things up!
How gorgeous are those walls in MIA, and loving that OTS top! Huge props to you for getting up so early on such little sleep to squeeze in a fun shoot. I totally agree about Nick, was never a fan of him but he grew on me and I think he deserves to be the Bachelor. Happy Friday <3
Green Fashionista
I'm so obsessed with the Wynwood Walls- I can't wait to go one day!! Can't believe you got up after a late night- you go girl! Have an awesome weekend!
How fun is that wall?! Loving that outfit too.
Southern Style
That is my favorite wall out of all of them! We snuck in last time before it was opened and had it all to ourselves and then we got kicked out.
Sorry to say, but I read that Mistresses has been cancelled. don't know if this was the last season or whether there will one more or not, but that may be why it was confusing at the end.
This wall is gorgeous indeed! Good for you guys for being able to wake up so early! Loving your top!
Tamara – LoveofMode.com